Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Robot Dog

Hasil gambar untuk robotEighteen years after unveiling its original Aibo robot dog, and 11 years after putting it down, Sony has revived the product using advanced mechatronics and AI to create a cuter, smarter, and more lifelike version. 
The new “entertainment robot” goes by the same name as its predecessor, aibo, but its name is written in lower case. The robot itself is crammed with ultracompact 1- and 2-axis actuators specially designed by Sony. These actuators enable aibo’s body to move along a total of 22 axes. This makes for smoother, more natural movements—such as ear and tail wagging, as well as mow, and body motions—compared to the original Aibo. 
Nama: Radja Aidil Gimnastiar Irawan
Kelas:8 B7

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Name : Radja Aidil Gimnastiar Irawan

Kelas  : VIII B

Postingan Pertamaku :

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